Event Registration

An USCT Chaplains thoughts on Emancipation Day
11/01/2024 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM ET
Event Registration is closed.

Come to Historic London Town and Gardens and join living history reenactor, Joseph Feaster, as he portrays James Underdue; a Chaplain assigned to the 39th United States Colored Troops (USCT). As one of only 14 black Chaplains serving during the Civil War, listen to what Emancipation Day meant to him, his troops, and their struggle for freedom. A question and answer session will follow the program.

Members: Free
Non-Members: Admission rates apply: 

  • Adult - $11
  • Senior (62 & up) - $10 
  • Youth (4-17) - $5
  • Free admission for reciprocal members and Museum for All (for people who receive food assistance/SNAP benefits) visitors.
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